David Daube
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
The Deed and the Doer in the Bible
David Daube's Gifford Lectures, Volume 1
By David Daube and Calum Carmichael
Templeton Press
The theme of Daube's Gifford Lectures is law and wisdom in the Bible. His wide-ranging deliberations reveal how complicated and profound the biblical text is. He analyzes deeds described in the Bible and considers, for example, what causes people to act in a certain way, the role of intent, why unintended deeds are sometimes punishable, and how the origin of a deed is determined. His lectures are aimed at professionals in biblical criticism, biblical history, ethics, and the history of law concerning its roots in Old Testament traditions. Daube is a recognized master in these fields, and there are substantial applications to current ethical and legal issues.
- Copyright year: 2008
Law and Wisdom in the Bible
David Daube's Gifford Lectures, Volume II
By David Daube; Edited by Calum Carmichael
Templeton Press
David Daube (1909–99) was known for his unique and sophisticated research on Roman law, biblical law, Jewish Law, and medical ethics. In Law and Wisdom in the Bible, the first published collection of his 1964 Gifford Lectures, Daube derives from his complex understanding of biblical texts both ancient and contemporary notions about wisdom, justice, and education.
- Copyright year: 2010
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