David Lesondak
David Lesondak is an allied health member in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), where he maintains a clinical practice in structural integration, visceral manipulation, and other fascial modalities at UPMC’s Center for Integrative Medicine. He has been a clinical structural integrator for over 25 years. Certified in Kinesis Myofascial Therapy by Thomas Myers, he is also a Board Certified Structural Integrator, Fascial Fitness Trainer, Visceral Manipulator via the Barral Institute and also certified by Ann and Chris Frederick as a Fascial Stretch Therapist, Level One.
Since 2010, he has video-taped and edited 88 individual scientific presentations resulting in 55 hours of finished lectures from the most forward-thinking researchers in the field of fascia. Prior to this, he conceived, edited, and produced Anatomy Trains Revealed, a 3-DVD companion to the best-selling book. He is a busy lecturer on the topic of fascia and fascia-based therapies and have presented internationally to such groups as Fascia Research Group at Ulm University; Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine; Natural Health Practitioners of Canada; and Integrative Medicine in Preventive Medicine Education (IMPriME).
He also runs the blog www.fascialconnections.com
The Myofascial System in Form and Movement
In The Myofascial System in Form and Movement, Lauri Nemetz invites readers into the rich dialogue around movement, delving into anatomy, concepts of space, and the many other disciplines that are taking interest in the myofascial universe.
Fascia – What It Is, and Why It Matters, Second Edition
This book is the second edition of Fascia: What It Is and Why It Matters. It focuses on the fundamentals of fascia as a tissue that surrounds, supports and permeates all the muscles, bones, nerves and organs.