Emily Ruth Rutter
Emily Ruth Rutter is associate dean of the Honors College and professor of English at Ball State University. She is author of Invisible Ball of Dreams: Literary Representations of Baseball behind the Color Line, published by University Press of Mississippi, and The Blues Muse: Race, Gender, and Musical Celebrity in American Poetry. Along with Tiffany Austin, Sequoia Maner, and darlene anita scott, she coedited Revisiting the Elegy in the Black Lives Matter Era.
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
The Blues Muse
Race, Gender, and Musical Celebrity in American Poetry
University of Alabama Press
A critical analysis of the poetic representations and legacies of five landmark blues artists
- Copyright year: 2018
Black Celebrity
Contemporary Representations of Postbellum Athletes and Artists
University of Delaware Press
Black Celebrity examines representations of postbellum black athletes and artist-entertainers by novelists Caryl Phillips and Jeffery Renard Allen and poets Kevin Young, Frank X Walker, Adrian Matejka, and Tyehimba Jess. Inhabiting the perspectives of boxer Jack Johnson and musicians “Blind Tom” Wiggins and Sissieretta Jones, along with several others, these writers both revise understandings of black celebrity history and evince the through-lines between the postbellum era and our own time.
- Copyright year: 2022
The Specter and the Speculative
Afterlives and Archives in the African Diaspora
Rutgers University Press
The Specter and the Speculative examines how historical subjects and texts within the African Diaspora are re-fashioned, re-animated, and re-articulated, as well as parodied, nostalgized, and defamiliarized. The essays, by emergent and established scholars, explore how “living” archives circulate and haunt the popular imagination, engendering afterlives and liberating prior narratives from their original context.
- Copyright year: 2024
Invisible Ball of Dreams
Literary Representations of Baseball behind the Color Line
University Press of Mississippi
How novels, plays, films, poems, and children’s literature fill the archival gaps in Black baseball’s story
- Copyright year: 2018
The Specter and the Speculative
Afterlives and Archives in the African Diaspora
Rutgers University Press
The Specter and the Speculative examines how historical subjects and texts within the African Diaspora are re-fashioned, re-animated, and re-articulated, as well as parodied, nostalgized, and defamiliarized. The essays, by emergent and established scholars, explore how “living” archives circulate and haunt the popular imagination, engendering afterlives and liberating prior narratives from their original context.
- Copyright year: 2024
Black Saturation
Selected Works of Stephen E. Henderson
University Press of Mississippi
The first full-length volume to showcase the critical corpus of an eminent scholar of Black literature
- Copyright year: 2025
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