Felicity Nussbaum

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

"The Stage's Glory"

John Rich (1692–1761)

University of Delaware Press

John Rich (1692-1761) was a profoundly influential figure of the eighteenth-century London stage. As producer, manager, and performer, he transformed the urban entertainment market, creating genres and promotional methods still with us today. This volume gives the first comprehensive overview of Rich’s multifaceted career, appreciation of which has suffered from his performing identity as Lun, London’s most celebrated Harlequin.

  • Copyright year: 2011
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"The Stage's Glory"

John Rich (1692–1761)

University of Delaware Press

John Rich (1692-1761) was a profoundly influential figure of the eighteenth-century London stage. As producer, manager, and performer, he transformed the urban entertainment market, creating genres and promotional methods still with us today. This volume gives the first comprehensive overview of Rich’s multifaceted career, appreciation of which has suffered from his performing identity as Lun, London’s most celebrated Harlequin.

  • Copyright year: 2011
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Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 27)

Bucknell University Press

1650–1850 combines fresh considerations of prominent authors and artists with searches for overlooked or offbeat elements of the Enlightenment legacy. Volume 27 expands around a landmark special feature on worlds and worldmaking—on the imagining of new, exotic, unexplored, ideal, and utopian worlds ranging from south sea islands to polar utopias to zones of intercultural encounter to the conjectural territories of interpretive cartography. Enlivening the volume is a cavalcade of full-length book reviews.

  • Copyright year: 2022
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