Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World

Bucknell University Press

Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World examines portrayals of nautical disasters in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish literature and culture. The essays collected here showcase shipwreck’s symbolic deployment to question colonial expansion and transoceanic trade; to critique the Christian enterprise overseas; to signal the collapse of dominant social order; and to relay moral messages and represent socio-political debates.

  • Copyright year: 2022
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Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World

Bucknell University Press

Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World examines portrayals of nautical disasters in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish literature and culture. The essays collected here showcase shipwreck’s symbolic deployment to question colonial expansion and transoceanic trade; to critique the Christian enterprise overseas; to signal the collapse of dominant social order; and to relay moral messages and represent socio-political debates.

  • Copyright year: 2022
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