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Indian Education in Canada, Volume 2
The Challenge
This two volume set of essays is a superb teaching and research aid.
Foreword / Chief John Snow
1 The Challenge of Indian Education: An Overview / Jean Barman, Yvonne M. Hebert, and Don McCaskill
2 First Nations Control of Education: The Path to our Survival as Nations / Dianne Longboat
3 Role Shock in Local Community Control of Indian Education / Richard King
4 Education as a Total Way of Life: The Nisga'a Experience / Alvin McKay and Bert McKay
5 The Cree Experience / Billy Diamond
6 Mi'kmaq Linguistic Integrity: A Case Study of Mi'kmawey School / Marie Battiste
7 Blue Quills Native Education Centre: A Case Study / Lucy Bashford and Hans Heinzerling
8 My Elders Tell Me / Beatrice Medicine
9 Revitalization of Indian Culture: Indian Cultural Survival Schools / Don McCaskill
10 The Education of Urban Native Children: The Sacred Circle Project / Vernon R. Douglas
11 Training Indian Teachers in a Community Setting: The Mount Currie Lil'wat Programme / Lorna B. Williams and June Wyatt
12 Evaluation of Indian Education: Issues and Challenges / Yvonne M. Hebert
Notes on Contributors