Jeanne T. Heidler
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Reading Southern History
Essays on Interpreters and Interpretations
Edited by Glenn Feldman
University of Alabama Press
This collection of essays examines the contributions of some of the most notable interpreters of southern history and culture, furthering our understanding of the best historical work produced on the region.
Rethinking the Creek War and the War of 1812
Edited by Kathryn H. Braund; Introduction by Kathryn H. Braund; Afterword by Ted Isham; Preface by Richard Evans; Foreword by Marianne Mills
University of Alabama Press, Pebble Hill Books
Tohopeka contains a variety of perspectives and uses a wide array of evidence and approaches, from scrutiny of cultural and religious practices to literary and linguistic analysis, to illuminate this troubled period.
- Copyright year: 2012
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