Kathleen Laughlin

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A Jewish Feminine Mystique?

Jewish Women in Postwar America

Edited by Hasia Diner, Shira Kohn, and Rachel Kranson; Introduction by Rachel Kranson
Rutgers University Press

In The Feminine Mystique, Jewish-raised Betty Friedan struck out against a postwar American culture that pressured women to play the role of subservient housewives. However, Friedan never acknowledged that many American women refused to retreat from public life during these years. Now, A Jewish Feminine Mystique? examines how Jewish women sought opportunities and created images that defied the stereotypes and prescriptive ideology of the "feminine mystique." Focusing on ordinary Jewish women as well as prominent figures, leading scholars explore the wide canvas upon which American Jewish women made their mark after the Second World War.

  • Copyright year: 2010
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