Kevin E. Doherty

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Energy Sprawl Solutions

Balancing Global Development and Conservation

Island Press

Over the next several decades, as human populations grow, the demand for energy will soar. But renewable energy sources have a large energy sprawl—the amount of land needed to produce energy—which can threaten biodiversity. In Energy Sprawl Solutions, scientists Joseph M. Kiesecker and David Naugle provide a roadmap for preserving biodiversity despite the threats of energy sprawl. Their strategy—development by design—identifies and sets aside land where biodiversity can thrive while consolidating development in areas with lower biodiversity value.
This contributed volume features case studies from countries around the world, each describing a different energy sector and the way they have successfully maximized biodiversity protection. This book provides a needed guide for elected officials, industry representatives, NGOs and community groups who have a stake in sustainable energy-development planning.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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