Kristin Lindgren

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Transforming the Academy

Faculty Perspectives on Diversity and Pedagogy

Rutgers University Press

Transforming the Academy brings together faculty members from many different backgrounds—male and female, cisgender and queer, immigrant and native-born, white, black, multiracial, and other—to examine the state of diversity within the American university. Whether describing challenging power dynamics within their classrooms or recounting protests that occurred on their campuses, the book’s contributors offer bracingly honest inside accounts of both the conflicts and the learning experiences that can emerge from being a representative of diversity. 

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Gendering Disability

Rutgers University Press

Contributors to this innovative collection explore the intersection of gender and disability in the arts, consumer culture, healing, the personal and private realms, and the appearance of disability in the public sphere—both in public fantasies and in public activism. Beginning as separate enterprises that followed activist and scholarly paths, gender and disability studies have reached a point where they can move beyond their boundaries for a common landscape to inspire new areas of inquiry. Whether from a perspective in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, or arts, the shared subject matter of gender and disability studies—the body, social and cultural hierarchy, identity, discrimination and inequality, representation, and political activism—insistently calls for deeper conversation. This volume provides fresh findings not only about the discrimination practiced against women and people with disabilities, but also about the productive parallelism between these two categories.


  • Copyright year: 2004
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Transforming the Academy

Faculty Perspectives on Diversity and Pedagogy

Rutgers University Press

Transforming the Academy brings together faculty members from many different backgrounds—male and female, cisgender and queer, immigrant and native-born, white, black, multiracial, and other—to examine the state of diversity within the American university. Whether describing challenging power dynamics within their classrooms or recounting protests that occurred on their campuses, the book’s contributors offer bracingly honest inside accounts of both the conflicts and the learning experiences that can emerge from being a representative of diversity. 

  • Copyright year: 2016
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