Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada
328 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jul 2009
Release Date:17 Oct 2008
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Release Date:01 Jul 2009
Release Date:01 May 2009

Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada

Edited by Richard J. Moon
SERIES: Law and Society
UBC Press
Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada seeks to elucidate the complex and often uneasy relationship between law and religion in democracies committed both to equal citizenship and religious pluralism. Leading socio-legal scholars consider the role of religious values in public decision making, government support for religious practices, and the restriction and accommodation by government of minority religious practices. They examine such current issues as the legal recognition of sharia arbitration, the re-definition of civil marriage, and the accommodation of religious practice in the public sphere.

Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada will appeal to lawyers, legal academics, political scientists, religious studies scholars, and anyone interested in the issue of religion in the public sphere.

The range of perspectives offered on the vexed relationship between law and religion is one of the strengths of this book. It clearly illustrates the multiple dimensions involved, the lack of easy solutions, and the many defensible positions that one can take. Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada will contribute significantly to the literature and debates on this pressing issue. Peter Beyer, author of Religions in Global Society

Richard Moon is a professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Windsor.

Contributors: Lori G. Beaman, Benjamin L. Berger, John Borrows, Alvin Esau, Pascale Fournier, Roger Hutchinson, Richard Moon, Jennifer Nedelsky, Bruce Ryder, David Schneiderman, Shauna Van Praagh, Lorraine E. Weinrib

Introduction: Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada / Richard Moon

1 View from the Succah: Religion and Neighbourly Relations / Shauna Van Praagh

2 Clashes of Principle and the Possibility of Dialogue: A Case Study of Same-Sex Marriage in the United Church in Canada / Jennifer Nedelsky and Roger Hutchinson

3 Associational Rights, Religion, and the Charter / David Schneiderman

4 The Canadian Conception of Equal Religious Citizenship / Bruce Ryder

5 Living by Different Law: Legal Pluralism, Freedom of Religion, and Illiberal Religious Groups / Alvin Esau

6 In the (Canadian) Shadow of Islamic Law: Translating Mahr as a Bargaining Endowment / Pascale Fournier

7 Living Law on a Living Earth: Aboriginal Religion, Law, and the Constitution / John Borrows

8 Defining Religion: The Promise and the Peril of Legal Interpretation / Lori G. Beaman

9 Government Support for Religious Practice / Richard Moon

10 Ontario’s Sharia Law Debate: Law and Politics under the Charter / Lorraine E. Weinrib

11 Law’s Religion: Rendering Culture / Benjamin L. Berger


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