Lindsey Alyssa Marco

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Mothering from the Field

The Impact of Motherhood on Site-Based Research

Rutgers University Press

Mothering from the Field offers both a mosaic of perspectives from real women scientists’ experiences of conducting field research while raising children, and an analytical framework to understand how we can redefine methodological and theoretical contributions based on mothers’ experiences in order to revolutionize how we conceptualize research.

  • Copyright year: 2019
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Mothering from the Field

The Impact of Motherhood on Site-Based Research

Rutgers University Press

Mothering from the Field offers both a mosaic of perspectives from real women scientists’ experiences of conducting field research while raising children, and an analytical framework to understand how we can redefine methodological and theoretical contributions based on mothers’ experiences in order to revolutionize how we conceptualize research.

  • Copyright year: 2019
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