Margaret Cantú-Sánchez

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa

Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities

The University of Arizona Press

Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa provides pedagogical applications of Anzaldúa’s noted theories, including la facultad, the path of conocimiento, and autohistoria, among others. This text provides examples, lesson plans, and activities for scholars, professors, teachers, and community members in various disciplines—such as history, composition, literature, speech and debate, and more—and for those interested in teaching the theories of Gloria Anzaldúa.

  • Copyright year: 2020
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Empowering Latina Narratives

Navigating the Education/Educación Conflict in the Third Space

The University of Arizona Press

In this groundbreaking book, author Margaret Cantú-Sánchez examines the nuanced experiences of Latinas/Chicanas within the U.S. educational system. Cantú-Sánchez introduces the concept of the education/educación conflict, where Latinas navigate the clash between home and school epistemologies under Anglocentric, assimilationist pedagogies.

  • Copyright year: 2025
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