Mission of Change in Southwest Alaska
376 pages, 6 x 9
25 halftones, 3 maps
Release Date:15 May 2012
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Mission of Change in Southwest Alaska

Conversations with Father René Astruc and Paul Dixon on Their Work with Yup’ik People

University of Alaska Press

Mission of Change is an oral history describing various types of change—political, social, cultural, and religious—as seen through the eyes of Father Astruc and Paul Dixon, non-Natives who dedicated their lives to working with the Yup’ik people. Their stories are framed by the an analytic history of regional changes, together with current anthropological theory on the nature of cultural change and the formation of cultural identity. The book presents a subtle and emotionally moving account of the region and the roles of two men, both of whom view issues from a Catholic perspective yet are closely attuned to and involved with changes in the Yup’ik community.

At times emotional, uplifting, funny, and profound, this text documents two lives and the significant ways in which these men effected change and were changed in the process. I highly recommend this book.'  Caroline McNabb, Journal of Folklore Research
A model for how oral historians can deal effectively with complex material involving multiple narrators, and it contributes substantively to the body of oral history work that explores the lives of people who call Alaska home. Oral History Review

Ann Fienup-Riordan is a cultural anthropologist who has lived and worked in Alaska since 1973. In 2000, she received the Alaska Federation of Natives President's Award for her work with Alaska Natives.

Introduction by Ann Fienup-Riordan

1. Changing Continents: Father Astruc Begins Work on the Lower Yukon
2. Changes in Education: Father Astruc as Superior of St. Mary's Mission
3. Changing Careers: Paul Dixon Begins Work in Rural Alaska
4. Changing Communities: The City of St. Marys
5. Changes on Nelson Island
6. Regional Changes Before ANCSA
7. Statewide Changes: ANCSA and Its Aftermath
8. Change Continues in St. Marys
9. Changes in the Church: Yup'ik Spirituality in Transition

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