Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta

Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta is the author of four poetry collections: "The Proxy Eros" (2008), "Burning Houses" (2013), "Hush Harbor" (2017), and "Eros Redux" (2019). She obtained an MFA from the New School University in 2004 and has since taught in major universities in Manila. Katigbak-Lacuesta has also coedited various literary Filipino poetry anthologies for Cordite Poetry Review and Vagabond Press. In 2019, she coedited "The Achieve of, The Mastery: Filipino Poetry and Verse from English, mid-’90s to 2016" with Dr. Gemino Abad. Widely awarded for her work in the Philippines, Katigbak-Lacuesta has also been the Filipino delegate to international literary festivals in Rotterdam, Medellín, San Francisco, Macau, and Kuala Lumpur. In 2015, she completed a writing residency for the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa.
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