New E-books
Showing 1-10 of 17 items.

Local Governance in Transition

Toward Sustainable Canadian Communities

UBC Press

Local Governance in Transition presents a framework for conversations around technological, ecological, and economic challenges – and encourages innovative thinking for those interested in exploring sustainable solutions.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Signs of the Time

Nłeʔkepmx Resistance through Rock Art

UBC Press

Drawing on a unique blend of Indigenous and Western sources, Signs of the Time explores Nłeʔkepmx rock art making to reveal the historical and cultural meaning beneath its beguiling imagery.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Shaping of a National Identity

UBC Press

What is Canada? This new look at “Canada” shows how the country’s prime ministers have consciously worked to shape national identity through their speeches and rhetoric.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Building a Special Relationship

Canada-US Relations in the Eisenhower Era, 1953–61

UBC Press

This book takes a compelling look at how bilateral diplomacy in an era wracked by the Cold War created a culture of cooperation between Canada and the United States that endures to the present day.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Discovering Nothing

In Pursuit of an Elusive Northwest Passage

UBC Press

Quests to discover a navigable or usable Northwest Passage ended in failure, but as Discovering Nothing shows, the many attempts to find what nature did not provide led to the construction of its transcontinental equivalent, changing the landscape of North America forever.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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One Second at a Time

My Story of Pain and Reclamation

UBC Press, Purich Books

A deeply personal history of colonialism’s corrosive effects on an Ojibway-Anishinabe woman who survives a traumatic childhood, becomes a teen mother, and eventually escapes unrelenting domestic violence to find hope and healing, dedicating herself to helping women and children like her former self.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Land and the Liberal Project

Canada’s Violent Expansion

UBC Press

Land and the Liberal Project explores the “improving” ideas that informed the expansion of Canada from coast to coast, exposing the justifications for state violence and appropriation of Indigenous territory, thus challenging our assumptions about Canadian sovereignty.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Canada and Colonialism

An Unfinished History

UBC Press, Purich Books

Canada and Colonialism presents the history Canadians must reckon with before decolonization is possible, from the nation’s establishment as a settler colony to the discriminatory legacies still at work in our institutions and culture.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Broken City

Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis

UBC Press

Broken City argues that skyrocketing urban land prices drive our global housing market failure – so, how did we get here, and what can be done about it?

  • Copyright year: 2024
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Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers

Gender Inequality in the Canadian Academy

UBC Press

Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers amasses vital, data-driven research that both corroborates enduring accounts of inequality for women academics and offers pathways toward substantive policy change.

  • Copyright year: 2024
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