Nolan Karras James
Nolan Karras James is an artist, songwriter, powwow dancer, guitarist, and former rodeo cowboy from Pinon, Arizona. His father is Many Goats Clan and his mother is Apache.
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Black Sheep, White Crow and Other Windmill Tales
Stories from Navajo Country
By Jim Kristofic; Illustrated by Nolan Karras James
University of New Mexico Press
"These tales capture the humor and themes of traditional Diné literature. . . . The collection resonates with deep cultural authenticity."--Enrique Lamadrid, author of Juan the Bear and the Water of Life: La Acequia de Juan del Oso
- Copyright year: 2017
The Hero Twins
A Navajo-English Story of the Monster Slayers
By Jim Kristofic; Illustrated by Nolan Karras James
University of New Mexico Press
Told in Navajo, the Diné language, and English, this story exists in many versions, and all demonstrate the importance of thinking, patience, persistence, bravery, and reverence.
- Copyright year: 2015
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