Phillip John Usher

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century France

Negotiating Shifting Forms

University of Delaware Press

This collection explores different modalities of storytelling in sixteenth-century France and emphasizes shared techniques and themes rather than attempting to define narrow kinds of narratives categories. Through studies of storytelling in tapestries, stone, and music as well as in historical, professional, and literary writing that addressed both erudite and common readers, the contributors evoke a society in transition.

  • Copyright year: 2022
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Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century France

Negotiating Shifting Forms

University of Delaware Press

This collection explores different modalities of storytelling in sixteenth-century France and emphasizes shared techniques and themes rather than attempting to define narrow kinds of narratives categories. Through studies of storytelling in tapestries, stone, and music as well as in historical, professional, and literary writing that addressed both erudite and common readers, the contributors evoke a society in transition.

  • Copyright year: 2022
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