Reba Wissner

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Very Special Episodes

Televising Industrial and Social Change

Rutgers University Press

Very Special Episodes explores various examples of the “very special episode” to chart the history of American television and its self-identified status as an arbiter of culture. Through the study of this unique television format, this anthology traces the history of television’s engagement with many of the most important political, aesthetic, economic, and social movements that continue to challenge our society today.

  • Copyright year: 2021
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Very Special Episodes

Televising Industrial and Social Change

Rutgers University Press

Very Special Episodes explores various examples of the “very special episode” to chart the history of American television and its self-identified status as an arbiter of culture. Through the study of this unique television format, this anthology traces the history of television’s engagement with many of the most important political, aesthetic, economic, and social movements that continue to challenge our society today.

  • Copyright year: 2021
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