Showing 1-15 of 25,525 items.
The Pacific Islands
Environment and Society, Third Edition
Edited by Moshe Rapaport
University of Hawaii Press
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
How neurodivergent individuals can find their place and thrive
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Creating New England, Defending the Northeast
Contested Algonquian and English Spatial Worlds, 1500–1700
University of Massachusetts Press
Though There Be Giants
The Ghetto Pastoral Mode in Black Migration Novels
University Press of Mississippi
A scholarly exploration of the tension of spaces in African American Great Migration novels
Black Girls Om Too
Yoga, Embodied Resistance, and Healing
Edited by Rachel Panton
University Press of Mississippi
How Black women practicing yoga create spaces that allow for bodies and experiences to be centered and celebrated
Please Touch
A History of the First Four Children's Museums in the United States (1899–1965)
University of Massachusetts Press
Laughing Matters
How Comedy Shaped American History
Rutgers University Press
More than just gags and giggles, comedy is a powerful force, reflecting our hopes and fears, helping us understand social and political changes, and creating a shared national culture. In this book, historians from the Smithsonian Institution and National Comedy Center tell the stories of the comedians, performances, and provocations that have shaped American history.
New England Metropolis
Boston and the Industrialization of New England, 1807–1850
University of Massachusetts Press
Somatic Techniques for Massage Therapists
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing
Children of the Struggle and the Ancestors Who Stayed
The Tuskegee High School Class of 1964
University of Alabama Press
The Assault on American Labor Law
Unions Before the Supreme Court, 1965–2025
University of Massachusetts Press
Imagining Health
Medicine, Social Protest, and Modern American Literature
By Ira Halpern
University of Massachusetts Press
The Myth of the Natural Laboratory
Science, Empire, and Their Derangements on Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands
By Adrian Young
University of Hawaii Press
Loving and Loathing Wildlife in Japan
Four Animal Conservation Paradigms
University of Hawaii Press
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