Samantha Baskind
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
The Jewish Graphic Novel
Critical Approaches
Rutgers University Press
The Jewish Graphic Novel is a lively, interdisciplinary collection of essays that addresses critically acclaimed works in this subgenre of Jewish literary and artistic culture. Featuring insightful discussions of notable figures in the industryùsuch as Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman, and Joann Sfarùthe essays focus on the how graphic novels are increasingly being used in Holocaust memoir and fiction, and to portray Jewish identity in America and abroad
Cleveland Jews and the Making of a Midwestern Community
Edited by Sean Martin and John J. Grabowski
Rutgers University Press
This volume gathers an array of voices to tell the stories of Cleveland’s twentieth century Jewish community. Strong and stable after an often turbulent century, the Jews of Cleveland had both deep ties in the region and an evolving and dynamic commitment to Jewish life.
- Copyright year: 2020
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