Sandra Waters

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.


Queering the Seventies, A Radical Trans Memoir

Rutgers University Press

AntoloGaia offers a vivid first-hand account of the rise of the gay liberation movement in Italy, revealing how it was intimately intertwined with other forms of left-wing activism. Porpora Marcasciano conveys both the heartbreak of living through an era of institutionalized homophobia and the queer joy of encountering Italy’s unique gay and trans communities.


  • Copyright year: 2024
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The Black Body

Rutgers University Press

The Black Body is the story of Anna Maria Gehnyei, also known as singer Karima 2G. Anna was born in Rome to Liberian parents. Wherever Anna goes in Rome, there is always something or someone to remind her that she is Black, so she finds herself continually negotiating two cultures, the Italian one which does not accept her and the African one to which she does not fully belong. Originally published in Italian as Il corpo nero, this new English-language translation by Eilis Kierans and Sandra Waters brings this moving memoir to an Anglophone audience for the first time.

  • Copyright year: 2025
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