Sangam MacDuff

Sangam MacDuff, research fellow at the University of Lausanne, is the author of Panepiphanal World: James Joyce’s Epiphanies.  

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Panepiphanal World

James Joyce's Epiphanies

University Press of Florida

This book is the first in-depth study of the forty short texts James Joyce called “epiphanies.” Sangam MacDuff argues that the epiphanies are an important point of origin for Joyce’s entire body of work, showing how they shaped the structure, style, and language of his later writings.

  • Copyright year: 2020
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Collected Epiphanies of James Joyce

A Critical Edition

University Press of Florida

This book offers the first critical edition of the forty short texts James Joyce called “epiphanies.” Presenting the texts with background information and thorough annotations, this edition provides a vivid insight into Joyce’s art.

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