Sharon Lynette Jones

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Real Sister

Stereotypes, Respectability, and Black Women in Reality TV

Rutgers University Press

From The Real Housewives of Atlanta to Flavor of Love, reality shows with predominantly black casts have often been criticized for their negative representation of African American women as loud, angry, and violent. Real Sister brings together ten black female scholars from a variety of disciplines, in part to address legitimate concerns about how reality TV reinforces stereotypes, but also to inspire a more nuanced conversation about the genre’s representations and their effects on the black community.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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Real Sister

Stereotypes, Respectability, and Black Women in Reality TV

Rutgers University Press

From The Real Housewives of Atlanta to Flavor of Love, reality shows with predominantly black casts have often been criticized for their negative representation of African American women as loud, angry, and violent. Real Sister brings together ten black female scholars from a variety of disciplines, in part to address legitimate concerns about how reality TV reinforces stereotypes, but also to inspire a more nuanced conversation about the genre’s representations and their effects on the black community.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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