Simon Conway Morris
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
The Deep Structure of Biology
Is Convergence Sufficiently Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal
Edited by Simon Conway Morris
Templeton Press
The discussion of biology and evolution in these essays broadens the scope of the traditional evolution discussion as it aims to stimulate the development of other research programs. Scholars in the science and religion field will find this book a valuable resource.
- Copyright year: 2008
The Runes of Evolution
How the Universe became Self-Aware
Templeton Press
How did human beings acquire imaginations that can conjure up untrue possibilities? How did the Universe become self-aware? In The Runes of Evolution, Simon Conway Morris revitalizes the study of evolution from the perspective of convergence, providing us with compelling new evidence to support the mounting scientific view that the history of life is far more predictable than once thought.
- Copyright year: 2015
From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds
Six Myths of Evolution
Templeton Press
In this learned romp of science writing, Cambridge professor Simon Conway Morris cheerfully challenges six assumptions—what he calls ‘myths’—that too often pass as unquestioned truths amongst the evolutionary orthodox.
- Copyright year: 2022
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