Stacy Dunn

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Lost City, Found Pyramid

Understanding Alternative Archaeologies and Pseudoscientific Practices

University of Alabama Press

Lost City, Found Pyramid: Understanding Alternative Archaeologies and Pseudoscientific Practices explores the phenomenon of pseudoarchaeology in popular culture and the ways that professional archaeologists can respond to sensationalized depictions of archaeology and archaeologists.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Lost City, Found Pyramid

Understanding Alternative Archaeologies and Pseudoscientific Practices

University of Alabama Press

Lost City, Found Pyramid: Understanding Alternative Archaeologies and Pseudoscientific Practices explores the phenomenon of pseudoarchaeology in popular culture and the ways that professional archaeologists can respond to sensationalized depictions of archaeology and archaeologists.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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