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Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Marriage and Health

The Well-Being of Same-Sex Couples

Rutgers University Press

Evidence shows that married couples have better overall health than unmarried people. Scholars and policy makers contend that same-sex marriage provide similar benefits as well. Marriage and Health represents the forefront of marriage and health research on same-sex couples. This collection of essays presents new perspectives that address the challenges faced by same-sex couples in multiple domains of well-being.

  • Copyright year: 2020
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Marriage and Health

The Well-Being of Same-Sex Couples

Rutgers University Press

Evidence shows that married couples have better overall health than unmarried people. Scholars and policy makers contend that same-sex marriage provide similar benefits as well. Marriage and Health represents the forefront of marriage and health research on same-sex couples. This collection of essays presents new perspectives that address the challenges faced by same-sex couples in multiple domains of well-being.

  • Copyright year: 2020
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