Winkler G. Weinberg
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
No Germs Allowed!
How to Avoid Infectious Diseases At Home and on the Road
Rutgers University Press
The revised and expanded edition of this classic guide explains what you need to know to keep the germs away. From the infections of daily life, like the common cold and traveler's diarrhea, to dangerous, rare diseases such as plague, hantavirus, and invasive strep bacteria, to recent threats of mad cow disease, West Nile virus, SARS, and bioterrorism, this unique guide tells you all you need to know.
The Water We Drink
Water Quality and Its Effects on Health
Rutgers University Press
We all drink water and water-based fluids, yet most of us take water for granted. We assume that when we turn on the tap to fill our glass, bathtub, or washing machine, clean water will flow. But is it really safe? And if it is not, what can we do about it? The doctors who have written The Water We Drink provide readers with practical information on the health issues relating to water quality and suggest ways we can improve the quality and safety of our drinking water.
- Copyright year: 1999
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