Zack C. Waters
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
A Small but Spartan Band
The Florida Brigade in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia
University of Alabama Press
A unit that saw significant action in many of the engagements of the Civil War’s eastern theater.
- Copyright year: 2013
A Forgotten Front
Florida during the Civil War Era
University of Alabama Press
An examination of the understudied, yet significant role of Florida and its populace during the Civil War.
- Copyright year: 2018
The Kidnapping and Murder of Little Skeegie Cash
J. Edgar Hoover and Florida's Lindbergh Case
University of Alabama Press
Informed by thousands of pages of newly released FBI files, The Kidnapping and Murder of Little Skeegie Cash tells the gripping story of the only crime investigated by J. Edgar Hoover himself, the sensational 1938 murder of a five-year-old boy from the Florida Everglades.
- Copyright year: 2014
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