Ashley Koning

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Taking Chances

The Coast after Hurricane Sandy

Rutgers University Press

Bringing together leading researchers—including biologists, urban  planners, utilities experts, and climatologists, among others—Taking Chances illuminates the reactions to the dangers revealed by Hurricane Sandy. Focusing on New Jersey, New York, and other hard-hit areas, the contributors explore whether Sandy has indeed transformed our perceptions of coastal hazards, if we have made radically new plans in response to Sandy, and what we think should be done over the long run.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Taking Chances

The Coast after Hurricane Sandy

Rutgers University Press

Bringing together leading researchers—including biologists, urban  planners, utilities experts, and climatologists, among others—Taking Chances illuminates the reactions to the dangers revealed by Hurricane Sandy. Focusing on New Jersey, New York, and other hard-hit areas, the contributors explore whether Sandy has indeed transformed our perceptions of coastal hazards, if we have made radically new plans in response to Sandy, and what we think should be done over the long run.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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