Xiaoye You
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Inventing the World Grant University
Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities
Utah State University Press
Through an exploration of the literacy practices of undergraduate Chinese international students in the United States and China, Inventing the World Grant University demonstrates the ways in which writing, public speaking, disciplinary literacies, and humanities-based curricula are constructed and enacted across institutional and geographic borders.
- Copyright year: 2017
Writing on the Wall
Writing Education and Resistance to Isolationism
Utah State University Press
The first concerted effort of writing studies scholars to interrogate isolationism in the United States, Writing on the Wall reveals how writing teachers—often working directly with students who are immigrants, undocumented, first-generation, international, and students of color—embody ideas that counter isolationism.
- Copyright year: 2022
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