Templeton Press

The Templeton Press was established in 1997 by Sir John Templeton to publish books and disseminate ideas that reflected his philanthropic interests. While the topics and areas of focus changed over time, the Press focused its work on four areas of work—Foundational Questions in Science; Virtues and Character Development; Spirituality and Mental Health; Science and Religion; Books by and about Sir John Templeton and books that explored many dimensions of individual freedom and free markets. In 2023, the Templeton Press entered into an agreement with Rutgers University Press which allows Rutgers to publish, market and distribute the Templeton book list on behalf of Templeton Press. Templeton Press is distributed in Canada by UBC Press.

Showing 109-120 of 185 items.

The Spiritual Journey of Charles Fillmore

Discovering the Power Within

Templeton Press

The Spiritual Journey of Charles Fillmore sheds new light on the life and work of an essential spiritual pioneer. In this landmark new biography, author Neal Vahle uses thorough new research, interviews with those who knew Fillmore, and his intimate familiarity with Fillmore's writings to introduce readers to the intriguing cofounder of the Unity movement. Beyond standard biography, Vahle's comprehensive treatment also extensively details Fillmore's era's philosophical and spiritual landscape. It gives readers an excellent overview of the metaphysical movement's evolution through time.

  • Copyright year: 2008

Medicine, Religion, and Health

Where Science and Spirituality Meet

Templeton Press

Focusing on the scientific basis for integrating spirituality into medicine, Koenig carefully summarizes major trends, controversies, and the latest research from various disciplines and provides plausible and compelling theoretical explanations for what has thus far emerged in this relatively young field of study. Medicine, Religion, and Health begins by defining the principal terms and then moves on to a brief history of religion's role in medicine before delving into the current state of research. Koenig devotes several chapters to exploring the outcomes of specific studies in fields such as mental health, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. The book concludes with a review of the clinical applications derived from the research. Koenig also supplies several detailed appendices to aid readers of all levels looking for further information.

  • Copyright year: 2008

Aging in the Church

How Social Relationships Affect Health

Templeton Press

A growing number of studies indicate that older people in the church form social ties that have a significant positive impact on their physical and mental health. In Aging in the Church, Neal Krause comprehensively assesses the various relationships that stem from church involvement.

  • Copyright year: 2008

The Deep Structure of Biology

Is Convergence Sufficiently Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal

Templeton Press

The discussion of biology and evolution in these essays broadens the scope of the traditional evolution discussion as it aims to stimulate the development of other research programs. Scholars in the science and religion field will find this book a valuable resource.

  • Copyright year: 2008

Chance or Dance

An Evaluation of Design

Templeton Press

Chance or Dance provides an overview of design and clarification of the controversial Intelligent Design (ID) movement and ultimately concludes there is no scientific proof behind Intelligent Design. As the controversy over Intelligent Design has grown over the past few years, there is a tendency to confuse all statements about design with the Intelligent Design movement and to confuse any affirmation of creation with Scientific Creationism. Davis and Poe begin with a brief historical perspective of the design argument and then examine the significant breakthroughs in cosmology, math, physics, chemistry, and biology that have provided renewed speculation in design.

  • Copyright year: 2008

Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics

Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge

By Vic Mansfield; Introduction by Lama Dalai
Templeton Press

Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics: Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge addresses the complex issues of dialogue and collaboration between Buddhism and science, revealing connections and differences between the two. While assuming no technical background in Buddhism or physics, this book strongly responds to the Dalai Lama’s “heartfelt plea” for genuine collaboration between science and Buddhism. The Dalai Lama has written a foreword to the book and the Office of His Holiness will translate it into both Chinese and Tibetan.

  • Copyright year: 2008

Process-Relational Philosophy

An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead

Templeton Press

In Process-Relational Philosophy, C. Robert Mesle breaks down Whitehead's complex writings, providing a simple but accurate introduction to the vision that underlies much of contemporary process philosophy and theology. In doing so, he points to a "way beyond both reductive materialism and the traps of Cartesian dualism by showing reality as a relational process in which minds arise from bodies, in which freedom and creativity are foundational to process, in which the relational power of persuasion is more basic than the unilateral power of coercion."

  • Copyright year: 2008

The Altruism Reader

Selections from Writings on Love, Religion, and Science

Edited by Thomas Oord
Templeton Press

This anthology brings together, for the first time, leading essays and book chapters from theologians, philosophers, and scientists on their research on ethics, altruism, and love. Because the general consensus today is that scholarship in moral theory requires empirical research, the arguments of the leading scholars presented in this book will be fundamental to those examining issues in love, ethics, religion, and science.

  • Copyright year: 2007

The Altruistic Species

Scientific, Philosophical, and Religious Perspectives of Human Benevolence

Templeton Press

The Altruistic Species reinvigorates the debate over the prevalence of selfless motivation in human behavior—whether it is a rare or ubiquitous phenomenon—something considered exceptional or a capacity that members of any community could potentially develop. This noteworthy interdisciplinary examination of altruism balances science, virtue theory, and theology. It is ideal for ethics, human behavior, and evolutionary biology courses as an educational resource for other multidisciplinary studies and interested lay readers.

  • Copyright year: 2008


The Quiet Virtue

Templeton Press

Humility is a virtue that can be difficult to describe because of its paradoxical nature: claiming authority about humility and claiming that one is humble both suggest a lack of humility. In Humility, Everett L.Worthington Jr. seeks a way around this paradox by looking to people who are considered by others to be humble. He suggests people as examples: Jesus, Siddhartha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King Jr. He looks, too, at people whom he admires. He examines the characteristics of humility they share, and, in doing so, formulates a working understanding of humility.

  • Copyright year: 2007

Divine Action

Examining God's Role in an Open and Emergent Universe

Templeton Press

For scholars in philosophy, theology, and fields that engage in the dialogue of science and religion, Divine Action presents rigorous scientific research and scholarship that significantly contribute to the ongoing debates over divine operation and divine providence.

  • Copyright year: 2007

The Deed and the Doer in the Bible

David Daube's Gifford Lectures, Volume 1

Templeton Press

The theme of Daube's Gifford Lectures is law and wisdom in the Bible. His wide-ranging deliberations reveal how complicated and profound the biblical text is. He analyzes deeds described in the Bible and considers, for example, what causes people to act in a certain way, the role of intent, why unintended deeds are sometimes punishable, and how the origin of a deed is determined. His lectures are aimed at professionals in biblical criticism, biblical history, ethics, and the history of law concerning its roots in Old Testament traditions. Daube is a recognized master in these fields, and there are substantial applications to current ethical and legal issues.

  • Copyright year: 2008
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