Käthe Roth
Wages for Housework
A History of an International Feminist Movement, 1972–77
This is the first-ever international history of the divisive and influential feminist movement, Wages for Housework.
- Copyright year: 2018
Quebec Women and Legislative Representation
This book examines the under-representation of Quebec women in Quebec’s National Assembly and in Canada’s House of Commons and Senate from 1791 to the present.
- Copyright year: 2010
Who Is Bob_34?
Investigating Child Cyberpornography
Researchers Francis Fortin and Patrice Corriveau investigate the clandestine world of child cyberpornography to understand who produces, exchanges, and consumes pedo-pornographic images.
- Copyright year: 2015
Judging Homosexuals
A History of Gay Persecution in Quebec and France
This history examines shifting constructions of homosexuality over time through a comparative analysis of gay persecution in France and Quebec.
- Copyright year: 2011
Breaking News?
Politics, Journalism, and Infotainment on Quebec Television
The first book about politics and infotainment in Canada, Breaking News? examines the challenges of these (often) controversial programs for democratic citizenship.
- Copyright year: 2018
Sex Work
Rethinking the Job, Respecting the Workers
A lucid and unflinching argument for the reframing of the debate on sex work, ending limiting moralistic approaches, and respecting the unique perspectives of workers.
- Copyright year: 2013
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Diverging Paths of Globalization and Autonomy
The Mediterranean, a region of uneven globalization, offers clues to understanding the future of democracy in North Africa and the Near East.
- Copyright year: 2012
To Be Equals in Our Own Country
Women and the Vote in Quebec
To Be Equals in Our Own Country chronicles the bitter struggle for women’s suffrage in Quebec, the last province to grant Canadian women this fundamental human right.
- Copyright year: 2019
The Government of Natural Resources
Science, Territory, and State Power in Quebec, 1867–1939
The Government of Natural Resources is a revealing look at how science can extend state power through territorial and environmental transformations.
- Copyright year: 2021